
Research Institutes-Sinowittech (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd
Research Institutes
Publisher:Sinowittech        Time:2025-02-05

Support for local application single sign on (SSO)

Previously, STARLIMS supported single sign on, but it was not applicable to local applications. More and more customers need to use local applications outside of XFD based systems simultaneously. With this new version of the technology platform, local applications also support single sign on.

New installation program that integrates STARLIMS BRIDGE and local applications

Both HTML5 and XFD systems now have a new installation program that integrates Bridge and local applications. The new program no longer relies on Internet Explorer. In addition, it also allows system administrators to push it to workstations through regular IT mechanisms.

REST API architecture

This architecture is an addition to the existing architecture of the STARLIMS technology platform. The REST API architecture can be used internally in STARLIMS products and can also be used by customers. By using this architecture, a series of REST based APIs can be used to expose more functionality beyond the APIs currently provided by STARLIMS.

REST extension for system interfaces

With this new feature, the system interface mechanism of the technology platform can adopt REST based APIs provided by third-party systems. This is a new way to achieve enterprise integration through configuration.

Virtual PDF printing for SDMS

When enabled and configured, STARLIMS can directly capture and process printer output into SDMS. Customers can not only redirect the printer output of conventional instruments, but also other technology software running on laboratory workstations to SDMS.

Instrumentation/performance monitoring

You require more features to debug and maintain the installation of STARLIMS. Through a new instrumentation framework, you will be able to track and monitor the execution of various network requests to appropriately extend your STARLIMS system.

Support for 2016 Crystal Reports

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